Sunday, September 13, 2015

Love Vs. Lust

One of my friends recently spoke of lust. The way they said it they obviously had no clue the meaning of this word. This has brought up the question what is the difference of the two? What makes lust so evil when love is such a great and beautiful thing?
First I want to establish the actual definition of both words.

Love:a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person
Lust: a strong feeling of sexual desire

The thing about these two that is actually crazy how similar they can feel at first. Saddest part about that is that love is one of the most beautiful where as I would argue lust is the ugliest and deadliest of the 7 sins. Media teaches us love is just about the physical and sex is just something to throw around. This further clouds our ability to separate the two.

I also believe that there are different levels and interpretations of lust from simply checking them out to having sexual relations with no emotions attached cheating on your spouse. I also believe that some of it while still not ok is just a natural thing and not based in evil. Every person has these thoughts whether they want to admit it or not. To lust isn't to have the feelings of desire of these feelings rather to ponder them and keep them in your head eventually leading to acting upon them.

To understand the difference you need to have experienced both. I have been in love and I have lusted after women. Looking back on them it's interesting how you justify them and convince you same way but looking back the signs are very clear the difference. Or just convincing myself that this form of lusting wasn't wrong it was just "natural" high school boy behavior.

I have loved two women in my life. Both were very different experiences but the one thing they had in common was this: all I ever wanted to do was make her smile. I would've done anything in my power to hear her laugh and see her smile. She is always on your mind not in like a creepy stalker way but a cute way. You get a special drop in your stomach and she makes you nervous not enough to make you lose your words but to make you feel your heart speed up. This isn't built on a kiss or any physical interactions. Love is based on who the person is on the inside not the outside. Physical attraction is just the icing on the cake. 

To truly love someone is to be there for them no matter what the circumstance. You would do anything to make them happy.

Lust is built on physical intimacy. This has little to no emotions attached to it. These relationships cannot last because physical beauty fades or no longer does the trick for you. What's left when these things are gone? Nothing. There's nothing left and the relationship is destroyed. Often times one partner is invested and they end up getting emotionally hurt. When it is built on lust often times lies are involved because when hormones are involved it clouds your judgement.

Final thoughts: before going into a relationship base it off something real. You're not an object don't let it anyone use you as one. Be cautious with physical interactions and who you share them with because something beautiful can turn into something so painful and earth-shattering. Always remember that if they truly love you they will never ask you to compromise your standards. Also be weary of lust rearing his ugly head because love can turn into love in a blink of an eye where as lust is almost impossible to turn into love.

Steven O. Jordan


  1. "You would do anything to make them happy"

    I want love not lust
    I really like this post.

  2. *reconcering dem bootycalls Jkjk! very "unquie" Post. I liked it

  3. I love this. It's so important to know the difference... I want my relationships in life to be based off of something real. Not something temporary.
