I remember when we were just little boys and you were my first friend I can recall. We used to play madden up in your upstairs on your old PS2. To this day you still always beat me when we play. You taught me how to be cool when all I wanted to do was play video games or play with my Pokemon. You're the only person I ever knew that was a You-gi-ho guy. Your four-wheeler was the coolest thing ever we always rode it around he town and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. We would play baseball and other sports in you and the murdocks backyard all through the night. You taught me every dirty joke I know. You said the first swear word from anyone of my friends. Jaden used to punch you when you did and I just sat and watched. We used to hate soccer and in your old days now youve betrayed that. I remember you calling kostner and tanner "fagotts" for playing it when I asked you what that means you just explained it meant a pile of sticks. I have learned in my later years that this is a lie and it actually is a derogatory line. I remember winning the 3 titles with you with Thayne and him bullying us. I beat you in the ring of champions in 9th grade so suck it. One time you slowed down and ran with me because I was always last to the fence so you fell on the sword and slowed down with me. When you moved it broke my heart. I had no one in my whole ward since we started hating Jaden at this point. I only went to your house once up in suncrest and we only came to throw our garbage all over your yard. We took biology in 9th grade and made yellek's life hell. We also made mama rach give us backscratches and I don't think we did one assignment the whole year. Dirty don was our savior doing all of our stuff. When you hit your new house it was heaven. That's all we did all summer. I still am upset you kissed Jenni before any of us did but I did make out on your tramp a bunch of times and in your guest room so in your face on that. Then that one time your dad made me eat those Big Macs and I threw them up and had to eat it still but I got 100 bucks from it. I thought your dad was going to murder us when swain through up all over your court and he bleached it then he caught you guys skinny dipping and I thought I'd never see you again. I just assumed I'd see your name in an obituary and that'd be the end of it. When we ballooned the you know who's in alpine I remember me and you scared senseless of getting caught. Then you were dumb and we used those meats ton that guys lawn that had your last name on it but holy did we make that garbage can light up. Then last year in psychology me, you, zoo and Juan didn't do one thing beside blurt out inappropriate comments and play basketball in the back. My favorite memory ever of you was in my backyard burning all that stuff in the fire and you coming up and hugging me for a few minutes as we watched it burn. I know I never really said anything face to face but I'm beyond sorry for the whole maddie thing I'm glad you finally forgave me. You've always been so good to me and because you're crude and a little standoffish a lot of people miss out on how good of a person you are. There's no one on this planet that I would rather here a joke from or want in my corner for a fight. Thank you for everything and I've loved every step of the way with you.
Steven O. Jordan
Dear Swain,
I think our first interaction was your taking a snap from me in 7th grade on Calls team. That was such a fun year and it's too bad we couldn't get it done in the playoffs. We truly became close in mr jolleys class. We always knew he was a little off we found out years later we were right. We went every Saturday to watch the BYU games at Mitch's place. Every week we would wrestle and play video games for hours. After losing in 8th grade I remember that we decided we would do anything to win that next year you had broken your arm because of the dumb kayla curse. We would run to Newport every morning in the cold before school to lift. Sadly most of the time we were so tired we just lifted half hearted but then we made grandma take us so that helped. Every day after school you'd come home with my TMS carpool and they always hated it but we'd always go over to footes because she had the coolest house. We were there every day hanging with her and Elly. Then we came up with riotball. At first it was super fun but then it just turned into a dirty cheap shot game that was just really painful. When we first met wellman we would go and play one vs one in his basement for hours. You'd always beat me because I was freaking awful. When we hit 9th grade we were as close as can be. I never laughed harder than when Thayne called you a little troll or when he blamed our loss on you leaving to the notre dame game. We went to that Texas game and we hid under the bleachers and you about had a heart attack because your hand was by a black widow. Then we had Barksdales and we hit on Aubrey streetman and Brinley Robinson for an hour a day. Brinley was your first kiss and I was the only one that got to witness it. We pulled a switchie that night. That's a top 15 memory ever for me. That summer we lived at Claire's house and she became our best friend. We would leave her house at 1 in the morning back before that was normal. We had the biggest crush on ally and when you held her hand during PLL I thought you were gonna die. (P.S. I'm still mad she didn't marry one of us) I was so mad when she wanted to kiss and you said no. I'll never forgive you for it. I miss her house a lot. Then we started going to rach's every week for OJ and we made a pact we would make out in her little private room. Caden cocked blocked you that summer and it ruined our whole night. We also showered with frank at Dax's. When he's in the NBA we will always have that as our claim to fame. Our friendship has kind of dwindled in high school but we have still had some great times. When we stole my parents car to go to meadow is an all timer. You've always been the one kid I have wanted to beat at everything and anything at any point and have taught me competitive drive. I'm so grateful for you always. You have no idea what you have done for me. We have had so many great runs to late night meals with such heated arguments over how hot girls are or some sports argument. Thank you for everything.
Steven O. Jordan
Dear Zoo,
I don't care what Dax says I was your first friend when you moved here. We were at summer camp in 10th grade and my dad told me about this tall, skinny kid from Missouri that had just moved in and was going to play on our team. I'm the one who came up with zoo too just so we are on the same page I'm the first one to call you that. I got your number and invited you to come to Claire's party with us. It is true that you truly started hanging with us because you are in Dax's ward. Dax may have started teaching me dirty stuff but you sure as crap answered any questions and further elaborated on anything that I didn't understand. You were the first one of us to get a lot of girls. At the time most of us were at one or two. I remember sitting around for hours a night just listening to your crazy stories that made me laugh my head off. Every party we went to you were my favorite part of it. You didn't get your license till you were almost 17 and it made me so mad. Every lunch when we were juniors was spent in chemistry working our butt off to get a good grade. Sadies of this year was one of the funniest days of my life. We definitely did kill it. Oh ya I beat you in one vs one too. Don't forget that. My favorite memory of you is when we threw all of those condoms around the burgess park parking lot then the police officer made you pick them up while we all laughed at you. Again I owe you the biggest apology with the whole maddie thing and I am sorry beyond belief. Thank you for forgiving me even if it was only for good I don't have a ton of memories with you sadly but thank Like I said with Dax very few people see how good of a person you are. You're actions don't match it but I see how good your heart truly is. You will always be my zoosh.
Steven O. Jordan
Dear Bwell,
I struggle writing this because I can go so many ways with this because no single man outside of my parents has done so much for me than you have. Our first encounter was when I picked you for me and Kota's softball team. I just picked you because the other guy didn't look like he could chew gum and walk at the same time so don't think you're all high and mighty. I remember the first time we came to your house. We came over on New Year's Day and played basketball for hours then had some girls over to watch the stranger in the woods or whatever that show was called. We've seen in 100 times and I'm still scared by it. Then our friendship only grew through foods class after we won the iron chef and all the chaos we caused in 9th grade with everyone. Oh ya and you dated Madeline don't forget that. That summer was incredible. I had an incredible time with you. You introduced me to heather and I couldn't be more grateful. Sadly you also made out with her before me haha. It still breaks my heart you are not at Lone Peak. I miss you every single day. I loved going to Lake Powell with you every year. All of our jokes too with Paul not being able to swim and him making fun of our womanizing skills. I'm always grateful when you come ballooning with me because you are as big of a pansy as I am. The night you got your first kiss I thought you'd never be that happy in your life again. I thought I was going to out due you by telling you about how awesome my night was but how little did I know. Me and you never seem to do a whole ton when we are together but no matter what I always leave a smarter and better person. No one on this planet makes talking In a car for two hours so appealing. The greatest memory by far is you picking me up from school and taking me to lunch on the hardest day of my life. Throughout the years I have learned so much from you. There is nothing I can do to ever show my immense gratitude I have for you. I hope you know how much I love and admire you.
Steven O. Jordan
Dear Jentz,
In 8th grade your dad asked me if you could sleep over. Before this point I don't even know if we had said a word before. I'm beyond grateful for that. You've always been the quieter but by far the wittiest of all our friends. Your invention of the prison riots were nothing but genius. Then to follow it up with all of the crazy things throughout the year to finish of the year with the TMS student section. When we almost made that one kid cry by calling him greasy jones or when Tyson hit that game winner and we got all up in the Mtn ridge kids face. The greatest though is when we made goob stand up when Kelp was shooting his free throws and he missed both of them. You taught me how to sneak into the Marriott center, sweet talk my way out of everything, how to be funny and to take joy in all of the simple joys in life. I always dominate you in laser tag I'm still confused why you even try. My two favorite memories of you are when me, you, jimmy, your dad and Britt went camping up at your cabin. We went to the fish hatchery and shot blow darts in the eyes of them. Then I accidentally broke your dads window by shooting it with a slingshot. The other one is where we drove down to LA for the USC game. I had to sleep on that disgusting ground that had AIDS all over it. A 9 hour car ride has never been dinner in my life. Plus all the USC fans were way cool to us. You have been such an example to me on how to make the most out of your situation. Me and you have never been the friends who talk about anything that deep but I hope you know how deep my admiration for you is.
Dear Britt,
In 5th grade you changed the course of my life. When you invited me over to your home on a Friday. Before you I was just a chubby little video game boy. Outside of hanging with Dax it was just me and Captain America playing battlefront in my upstairs. We were close as friends could be. I would be up at your home every day. We would play the old nazi zombies or play handball in your backyard with Jake, Jaden and Dax. In 7th when they did A and B teams it sucked because it was the first time we hadn't been on each other's team. I remember coming to your championship game where you guys beat Lehi cuz frank dropped that touchdown. We started building the man cave around there. I don't know why we thought it was so cool it was just a freezing attic. But we had so much freaking fun up up there. I don't think we had a class in middle school together outside of men's choir. That class was complete and utter chaos. Everyday we had some new thing to drive Mrs Jolley insane. She was the worst. In 9th when we finally were on the same team it was like Christmas morning for me. Sadly Thayne was the biggest bully of all time. When we had to run for storming the court and we thought Pan had died on field. I was so grateful when that season was done. But you had to go and foul grant bean in the playoffs of junior jazz so we freaking lost. We started building Mary moon that spring. I don't think I have ever been happier than that few month stretch going into 10th grade. When you were in love with Rachel we would always tag along so we could take her OJ. She always had the best OJ. Sophomore year was such a blast. That was the funniest year of football for me by far. You were nothing short of my taxi that whole year. I was always 3rd wheeling you with Shelby. Then Tyler and Breck took my spot. Gary Dunns class was awesome. We had so much fun with Zach. I still kind of miss him as crazy as that sounds. When kayla gave me a kiss for my 16th birthday I about died and we talked on the phone for an hour about it. That summer with all those parties with T Ev were nothing short of incredible. When we stopped being friends when we were juniors it absolutely destroyed me. Ya it was awful with everyone else too but it felt like my insides were ripped out. I didn't even know how to say hi to you. I'm so grateful I got the guts to say something to you at trek about it. I couldn't be more grateful for you. Thank you for being such a great role model for me. Love you Big B.
Steven O. Jordan
Dear Seven,
I miss us all being friends. It sucks that we all broke up and went our separate ways. I hope you guys understand how grateful I am for every single one of you and how much I love you guys.
Forever brothers under the sun
Steven O. Jordan