Thursday, August 27, 2015

Dear Mormons,

Dear Mormons,

This isn't a letter for the faint of heart. This is brutal and up front. There is no holding back so if you're offended easily find something else to read.

I am one of you. I was baptized when I was 8. I've been apart of it my whole life. I was recently converted and started believing halfway through my junior year. Before this I lived through vices and how I wanted to throwing caution and rules out the side. I was a hypocrite. That is what this passage is about: 

Everyone is a hypocrite in their own right. But none like the students of Lone Peak. First we address the young men because women always go first and I'd like to even the score.

You all think that you can live how you'd like until senior year then pop you feel the spirit and all the skeletons leave the closet and you're all clean. That is a complete and utter lie. You hold the priesthood. That is literally power given to you by the highest being. You can call upon angels with this power if the task merits it. And how do you guys treat it? Like crap. You disrespect it every time you get on a computer and watch some poor girl with daddy issues getting railed on by 3 guys while you're yanking your chain. Later that night you and some girl you won't even remember her name in five years go and get steamy on some back road in the trunk of your car. Then you have the audacity to mock God and his power sitting up at the pulpit blessing his sacred sacrament that brings peace and sanctity to your neighbors. You don't care. It's way more fun and cooler to fool around with girls and hit the pornhub. It's lame to respect women and be righteous. Women aren't objects. They shouldn't be treated like one. They're not some quest to conquer. Taking their virtue and tapping that isn't something to brag about. That's someones future wife. You want your wife to be some guys conquer? "Oh I'm only going to do all this stuff till mid senior year then I'm all about that mission life" well good for you. You're worse then the people that do that crap and just own it. More power to them. For all of you that think it's a switch needs a good kick in the stomach. It's not. It's a process. Testimony and faith aren't just bestowed on you it's something you have to live and work for. You have no idea how many people you popular kids influence. Do you understand that you're a role model to so many people you have no clue about? Do you want that 11 yr old kid that's looking up to you think that it's cool to be a pig? At minimum your siblings. How would your little sister feel if you told her about how great your fat tap was last night? You one day will be a father if you're lucky. Your kids are looking down on you right now. What do they think of you? What you are is what you will attract. What do you want in your life?

Now the women. Again I reiterate that if you're offended easily turn around now. You guys are the biggest hypocrites ever. You say you want a good Mormon boy and mission worthy men but look who you're dating. Take a look at who gets the girl. It's the football who can't wait to take you to second base second you hit his car. Not the great kid in your math class that's a little shy and not as cute. Nope the football player is way cooler but you want a missionary caliber guy. Keep telling yourself that. Get some self respect too. You want it? Demand it. Don't let boys do whatever they want with you. Put your foot down. Uphold your standards. Don't settle on guys. Find a guy that will treat you like a flipping princess. If you're lucky enough to find a man like this keep him worthy. Guys only have enough blood to run the penis or the brain one at a time. You are our voice of reason. It's better to be alone then to be with a disrespecting piece of filth. Take of those booty shorts and put on some freaking pants. Keep your boobs to yourself. Ya I promise you wearing a bikini doesn't get the thoughts you want. I have 100x more respect for the woman at the pool party with the 1 piece swimsuit then the bikini. "But bikinis are what all my friends wear and all the popular girls wear" then be popular I don't care that's your choice. But remember if that's what's important to you that's what you will become. Then you complain to all your friends that all guys want is tap and they're all dogs but that's what you tell guys. Then you sit there and throw stones at every girl that's messed up to make you feel better. "Did you hear? Tracy blew Marcus last night." "What a slut" what your friend doesn't know is you did that last week to your boyfriend. Since no one knows you're not considered a slut but since someone found out about Tracy you go right ahead and throw those stones right at her see if that makes you feel any better. Then for you who judge a guy for nothing going on a mission you are the scum of the school. Guess what. You women screw up with guys. He can't go because of one of you. It takes two to tango. One of Jesus biggest lessons he taught was kindness. You are some of the meanest people I've ever met. Get your act together. Quit being mean and vile to each other out of jealousy or anger. Find some other outlet to displace your self confidence issues. Good job making that girl have an eating disorder because you made a fat joke about her. Add that to your list of accomplishments. In 3 short years it doesn't matter how popular if you thought it did sorry to burst your bubble. Focus on who you are and your character. It's going to suck when you get out of high school and you can't manipulate people to do what you want and you no longer are the big deal to everyone.

For you who do live the way that is taught on and are worthy I applaud you. You're what a person should be. Keep on that path and don't stray from it. Straying from the path starts with justifying small things like R movies or constantly swearing and making out with dry humping, deefing or whatever you call it. Ya dry humping is something you need to talk to your bishop and is super wrong so we are clear on that subject. Don't justify things. Be pure in deed and in thought. If you are good enough for the temple go there often. Don't make excuses that you don't have time. You sure make time for madden, gym, the mall, ONE TREE HILL and gossiping with your friends or whatever waste of time you can think of. Make it a priority. Same with scripture study. Get on your knees and give God 20 good minutes of study. That's so minimum what God has given you. Everything around you is possible because of him. You at minimum can give him that. Also if you're worthy don't brag. That makes you look awful. This church isn't to show off. Keep it to yourself. Next time you're taking a temple trip focus more on feeling the spirit then your snap story to show everyone that you go. Keep it to yourself.

For those that don't live these standards but own it and don't pretend to be Mormon or any other faith I'm sorry for you. But I respect you way more then the "Mormons" that follow your example. This faith isn't for everyone and if you find joy in your lifestyle then own it. Same goes for anyone who is only half in it with doubts. Get in or get out there is no middle ground for you people. Its more respectable to just leave the faith entirely. For you judging them you are idiots. They own their crap. You are hypocrites by judging let them be. They will do what they want wither you approve or don't.

I'm not perfect. I don't pretend to be. The bishop probably knows me better then my oldest friends. I screw up. I've done things that I have true and great remorse. Looking back on who I was makes me cringe. I was the ultimate hypocrite. I've been in places that I should never have been. But everyday I'm trying and I'm happier man for it. I never found joy in sin. There's no place for it in my life but I don't pretend I don't mess up. The man I am now is what God wants from us an imperfect man that wakes up and tries to be better every day.

Lastly anyone that is struggling or that wants to change there's hope. Seek help. Heavenly Father forgives all. He's waiting for your return. Whatever your past may be its can be over come. I promise.

Steven O. Jordan


  1. I love the honesty!!!

  2. Slow down, son, you're killin' 'em.

  3. Holy wow, you just laid it all out. This is pretty much my favorite thing I've ever read concerning mormons at Lone Peak. I can't even express how much I love this.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Slight amendment, I love how real this is. I do. And I want to meet you so badly. It's powerful and a lot of what you say is true. I only wish it was less crude in places. Less explicit, especially as you write about some really important and even sacred things. So though it's powerful- it's uncomfortable. But then, I can tell you didn't intend this to be comfortable.

  5. wow everyone loves you. nice work dude.

  6. Dear Steve O. Jordan
    This isn't a letter for the faint of heart. This is brutal and up front. There is no holding back so if you're offended easily find something else to read. I think it's quite interesting how you're also being hypocritical. You are judging those who you have no right to judge. Only god can judge. You have no idea what they are feeling and if they have a testimony of Christ or not. Some people are actually trying to repent for what they have done. And you're stereotyping all the students of Lone Peak as fake when their are plenty who are living the gospel and trying to prepare to serve honorable missions. You have no right to judge others, but if you choose to do so that is your choice. Cast out the beam in your own eye before removing the mote in your brothers eye. I know from personal experience that negativity towards those who are committing transgression will never help them gain a desire to change their ways.

  7. First off I would like to say that I like how honest this is, these blogs were made to show your heart and to show your own feelings and thoughts. This is your blog and I respect your opinion as I have no right to judge it or think that it is wrong because this is your blog Steve O. Jordan. I would like to say some of my own opinions though and I hope that you can do the same and respect it, as it is mine to give.

    1. You stated that "Jesus taught kindness." When I read this blog I can tell you that the first thought that comes to my head wasn't "Wow this is kind and uplifting and christlike" I actually believe this is the opposite. You are asking people to be kind, when this whole post in itself is not. Jesus never told others what to do, he showed them. If you would like people to be kind, then be kind. Jesus did not tell people to be kind, he showed them kindness and let them choose, and regardless of that choice he loved them.

    2. You wrote about the sins of others and the wrongs that they have done in their lives. Why don't you post yours? I bet you have some and unless you are the Savior of the world, you have your own struggles and trials and have made your own mistakes. Unless you are perfect I wouldn't go around telling others of their sins.

    3. The gospel of Jesus Christ is centered around his sacred sacrifice and the atonement in which he died for the sins of the world. This gospel is not a gospel for perfect people, it is a church for/of sinners and beggars. "Are we not all beggars unto the Lord?" Let people make their own mistakes and learn from them or not learn from them. Let them figure out who they want to be in this life and which path they want to take. If you remember it was Satans plan to force people to be happy and follow God. Satan the master of all lies wanted us to have no choices and to always choose only the good. This plan though did not follow God's, as our Father in Heaven wanted us to be able to choose our own path and be able to learn on this earth. So I ask you Steven O. Jordan to let the kids of Lone Peak find their own way. Have you found yours? Because I sure haven't. I make mistakes every single day and every day I ask for forgiveness. Let me find my way Steven O. Jordan and everyone else. Maybe if you do that you can find the way for yourself :)

    I'm sorry if this sounded judgemental. I don't mean it to be. Like I said I like how this is honest, but I also wanted to state my own opinion. I bet you are a good kid with trials too. We all have them, don't be scared or think you are a bad person because of them. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you and want you to make mistakes. It's why we were sent here. When you said entering the temple and blessing the sacrament, you don't need to be perfect to enter the temple or bless the sacrament. You only need to be striving to follow the Savior. You don't know what is inside everyone. You don't know who fights everyday to try and be like him and even when people strive to be like Christ they can still fall. This earth is a learning ground, a battlefield, a test and it is the hardest test anyone of us has ever taken. No one will get 100% on their own. They only can with the Savior. If we didn't need the Savior we wouldn't be here. We would be in the celestial kingdom. Good luck Steven O. Jordan. I hope this didn't offend you in anyway. We are all imperfect Steve O. Jordan. Except the Savior Jesus Christ. We all sin in our own ways. We all have our challenges. Maybe posting this was yours. Who knows?

  8. I have to tip my hat to you. You have obviously put a lot of time and effort into this. This is just something that had to be said. I am glad that someone said it. I don't know if I would have been able to have this strong of a introduction post.

  9. What an interesting choice for a first post. I like your bravery and honesty. I'm interested in seeing what's in store in the future.

  10. I love this post. So honest and straight forward.

  11. Very brave. Freedom of speech. Awesome. Way to speak from an honest part of you. Cool that you talked about something that I haven't ever seen before. Did I feel the spirit from this? No. I felt yucky. Bad taste in my mouth. I agreed on some parts. But all those logical fallacies kinda turned me off. To call someone the scum of the school...for real? I'm not going to tell you that you can't do this, or to be more careful. Because the beauty of this class is that you can say anything and that you shouldn't be careful-jump in man. I love that you are speaking from you. And I love that everyone can have their own opinions about it too. Cool to see. My opinion? I didn't like it. But I want to read more of you for sure.

  12. im sorry but I haven't laughed this hard in a while. but this is also true, at least parts of it.

  13. I took the liberty to look around your blog. To be very honest I appreciate the way you set up your page, I think it is very well thought out. As for the content of your blog.... Well to each his own. I did like this quote I found here on your blog. “Nothing is so necessary for a young man as the company of intelligent women.”-Leo Tolstoy. I know that for me personally I find that intelligent women are attracted to and enjoy the company of intelligent men.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. stalking your blog. I wish I knew who you were.

  16. "This faith isn't for everyone and if you find joy in your lifestyle then own it. Same goes for anyone who is only half in it with doubts. Get in or get out there is no middle ground for you people"

    I think that this quote could accurately sum up the entire page without having to go into specific detail. And as somebody who left the church about a year ago, I can say that I am glad to hear somebody of the faith say this.

    I don't mean to be invading in the class space of this environment. My friend sent me a text asking if the author of this blog was me, so I thought I would check it out.

    As opposed to a few of the comments from above, I'm so glad that you didn't censor yourself. You're addressing a very real situation that a lot of us don't see when we pass each other in the halls daily, and it's a situation that is incredibly sensitive. But for those reasons, I think its incredibly important that it be addressed.


  17. Man, I feel your frustration and the venting that went on in this was very clear. It's true we have a lot of fence sitters.

  18. I have utter most respect for the man or woman who wrote this. I am not Mormon, I used to be, I am currently inactive and you speak the truth and people are reading this. I not even in your class. I'm just a Sophomore who is done with the bullshit. You're really amazing for writing this. Thank you
